5 Medical Products for Safe Home Navigation

Although our homes are meant to be safe havens, they can actually become dangerous as we age and lose the balance and mobility that we once had. Luckily, home medical products can make your home safer. Here are 5 medical products for safe home navigation that you may want to consider.

 1. Mobility Ramps

Many homes are not built to be accessible for anyone with limited mobility. Porch stairs become difficult to navigate, and if you’re using a walker or other wheeled device, then getting over raised doorways can be a challenge. Mobility ramps come in a wide variety of styles to make obstacles in and outside of your home more accessible and safer.

2. Grab Bars and Tub Rails

The bathroom is a dangerous place in any home, but installing grab bars and tub rails can make it safer. Grab bars can be installed in any place where you could use some extra support, such as next to the toilet, at the head of a staircase, or by an entranceway. Tub rails can be installed to specifically give you support and security as you’re getting into and out of the tub, helping to prevent dangerous falls.

3. Walking Aids

Walking aids can be highly helpful in safely navigating your home. Walking aids range from walkers to rollators to canes; the exact aid that is right for you will depend on your strength, mobility, and balance. Using a walking aid can provide you with the added support that you need to feel safe navigating your home.

4. Stairlifts

The potential for falling while climbing or descending the stairs in your home is a real and serious threat, particularly as we age. Stairlifts provide a safe and comfortable way to navigate the stairs in your home. If you are no longer able to climb stairs, a stairlift can make the upper levels of your home accessible again.

5. Patient Lifts

Patient lifts can greatly increase your safety if you are partially weight-bearing or non-weight-bearing. Patient lifts can help to transfer you from bed, from a chair, from the toilet, and even from the floor. Lifts are available in different styles - from bath lifts to stand assist lifts, patient lifts can provide you with the amount of support that you need, in the area of the home where you need it. These 5 medical products can make navigating your home safer and easier. Knowing that this equipment adds to your safety can provide both you and your loved ones with peace of mind, allowing you to continue living in the comfort of your own home. Learn how to Provide Safety For Seniors Citizen`s Home Exterior.