5 Products That Will Help Elderly Travel During Holidays

The holidays often necessitate travel, but for the elderly, travel may be difficult and uncomfortable. Thankfully there are many products available which can make travel easier for an elderly person. Here are five products that you may want to consider to help your elderly loved one with travel during the holidays.

Walking Aids

For an elderly person who needs a bit of support and stability in getting around, the addition of a walking aid may make holiday travel both easier and safer. There are a wide variety of walking aids available, from canes to the more supportive walkers and rollators, so you can find the aid that is appropriate for your elderly loved one. Walking aids are typically easy to transport, making them ideal for travel.


A scooter can give an elderly person increased mobility, making travel and visiting with family easier. Many scooters are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, making them a versatile choice. For travel, consider purchasing a portable scooter which is quick and easy to break down and reassemble. Portable scooters have the advantage of generally not requiring a vehicle lift.

Power Wheelchairs

If an elderly person is dependent on a wheelchair, then upgrading to a power wheelchair can increase their ease and comfort during holiday travel. Many power wheelchairs can be used both indoors and outdoors, and portable power wheelchairs can be quickly disassembled and reassembled. Thanks to their four-wheel design, power wheelchairs are typically sturdier than three-wheeled scooters.

Vehicle Lifts

If an elderly person will be traveling with a scooter or power wheelchair, then a vehicle lift may be necessary and can make transporting the equipment easier. Vehicle lifts come in a wide variety of designs – some attach to the exterior of your car, while others attach to a van or SUV’s interior and lift the scooter or wheelchair into the vehicle. The exact vehicle lift that is best for you will depend on your vehicle and on the weight and size of the scooter or power wheelchair that you’re transporting.

Mobility Ramps

Mobility ramps are a great way to improve accessibility for an elderly person during holiday travel. If an elderly person uses a walker, scooter, or wheelchair, then they will need ramp access to any building. While friends’ or relatives’ homes might not be wheelchair accessible, the use of a portable mobility ramp can let an elderly person easily access the home for the holidays. Consider investing in a smaller, portable mobility ramp to have in the car. This smaller ramp is ideal for providing access over curbs and small sets of stairs when you’re out shopping or traveling for the holidays. Holiday travel can present extra challenges for the elderly, but these five products can make holiday travel easier and more comfortable for an elderly loved one.