Aging, and Active: Tips to Remain Active As You Get Older

Remaining active as you get older can be a challenge, but it’s also important to your health to stay as active as possible. These tips can help you to stay active as you age.

Do Some Physical Activity Every Day

One of the best ways to remain active as you get older is to set yourself a goal of doing some sort of physical activity every day. Do something different every day. Choose activities which work different areas of your body, and which you can do successfully and comfortably.

Plan Your Physical Activities Carefully

While staying active every day is great, make sure that you vary your levels of physical activity. If you perform an intensive physical activity one day – like going for a challenging hike – then make sure to take it easy the next day so that your muscles have time to recover. Choose a more relaxing activity, like a short stroll around the block, to help avoid stumbling or injuring yourself because your body hasn’t yet had time to recover.

Perform Activities That You Enjoy

Come up with a list of physical activities that you enjoy taking part in. The more that you enjoy being physically active, the easier it will be to keep yourself interested in your goal of daily activity. Consider taking up a new sport or activity to put a fun spin on your daily activity goals.

Do Activities Within Your Ability

Make sure that any activities that you take part in are within your physical ability. Taking on more activity than you can handle will leave you sore and possibly injured. With time, as you get fitter you may be able to increase your activity level. However, make sure that you stay on the safe side and only do activities that you feel comfortable doing.

Work With Your Doctor

Your doctor can make specific recommendations about which activities are best for your health and physical limitations. He can also help to identify activities which may result in excess pain or discomfort afterwards.

If you’re forced to take some time off from physical activity because of an injury or surgery, then it’s a good idea to work with a physical or sports therapist as you start to rebuild your strength and begin to be physically active again. As we get older, our bodies take longer periods of time to regain strength again; a physical therapist can help you to get active again safely.

There are many ways to stay active as you age. Staying active can keep you healthier and happier for years to come but at the same time you should know the main Do`s and Don`t activity after 60s.

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