How Wheelchairs Help Your Parents Age Gracefully

As your parents age, they may come to rely on wheelchairs. But rather than being “confined” to a wheelchair, wheelchairs can actually be valuable tools in helping your parents age gracefully. Consider the following benefits that a wheelchair can give to your parents.

Wheelchairs Restore Independence

Wheelchairs, particularly power wheelchairs, can allow your parents to regain their independence. Walkers and other devices can be awkward to use initially, and your parent’s body may feel restrictive even when using a walking aid. A wheelchair provides your parent with ease of motion and more speed than he or she could experience using a walking aid. Additionally, wheelchairs give your parents stability and the power to move under their own direction, allowing them to feel independent once again.

Wheelchairs Encourage Activity

It’s easy to become fairly immobile as age sets in, especially if an elderly person cannot walk easily. However, a wheelchair requires some strength and activity to power it. The daily activity of moving a wheelchair throughout the house encourages your parents to stay active. Additionally, the ability to power a wheelchair themselves may encourage your parents to stay more active by visiting different rooms in their home, participating in their favorite activities, and moving about to interact with other people.

Wheelchairs Get Your Parents Out of the House

Wheelchairs allow your parents safe access to the outdoors without having to rely on another person. When paired with mobility ramps, wheelchairs mean that your parents can get outdoors to enjoy days of good weather. Being able to travel outdoors can help to keep your parents’ spirits up, avoiding the feeling of being confined to the house. Activities like reading books outside, enjoying outdoor meals, and even traveling through the yard are all made possible by a wheelchair.

Wheelchairs Keep Your Parents Safe

Walking aids can provide your parents with support and stability, but they’re not foolproof – falls can and do occur, especially as your parents get weaker. Wheelchairs provide a safer option for people who are increasingly weak or restricted by pain, especially when they are determined to stay active in their later years. Power wheelchairs, in particular, are highly stable, and can give your parents transportation without you needing to worry so much about whether they are staying safe during the day. Aging can be a difficult process, especially as it begins to take away your parents’ independence, strength, and activity. Wheelchairs can be valuable tools for helping your parents to age well and gracefully.