9 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Bedrooms Safer for Senior Citizens

Along with the bathroom, a bedroom is a place where most home accidents occur. For many senior citizens, getting in and out of bed can be a challenge but, fortunately, there are a number of simple precautions that be taken to ensure safety. In addition, there are numerous products that can be used in the bedroom to prevent accidents. When choosing a product, it is important to take into consideration the size, strength and mobility of the individual. Here are some basic options for bedroom safety.

Safe Hardwood Floors

A slippery floor is an accident waiting to happen and there are many ways to prevent hardwood floors from becoming slick. Wood floors are not naturally slippery. They become slick from wax or polish and when they're wet. So the best way to avoid slippery wood floors is to keep them clean and dry. There are several products on the market for treating wood floors but you can make your own cleaning solution at home, using a vinegar and water mixture (one part vinegar, two parts water). Mopping the floor with this solution will remove waxy residue or chemicals that make the hardwood floor slippery. Some of the cleaning solutions on the market also provide a non-slip surface. Here are some suggestions:
  • Slip NoMor
  • Skid Safe Water Based Sealer
  • Floorsafe Add-a-Grip
  • Globe Safe Technology Solutions

Safe Carpeting and Rugs

Wall-to-wall carpeting is the safest carpeting option. It is important to make sure that the carpeting is in good shape, with no holes, frayed areas or exposed nails. If you use a rug in the bedroom, larger rugs are safer since they can’t move as easily as small ones. Non-slip pads can be placed underneath the rug to make it more secure. Another option is to rest furniture on the part of the rug to keep it firmly in place.

Bedroom Grab Handles and Bed Side Lifting Poles

There are several makes and models of handles that can be firmly fixed under a mattress, onto a bed base or by the side of the bed to improve stability when getting in and out of the bed. Grab handles can also be installed on walls or floors (Here’s one of our favorites) Lifting poles, securely positioned next to the bed, usually come with a strap and grab handle that can be adjusted. This device enables users to pull themselves into a sitting position, from which they can get out if bed more easily.

Bed Rails

Bed rails are designed to provide stability for individuals who need help getting in and out of bed. They also make it easier to change positions while in bed. These rails are smaller than full-length bed rails and some models are portable, making them good options for trips.

Other Safety Options

In addition to products that ensure bedroom safety, there are many simple precautions that can be taken.
  • Install an emergency alert system that can be reached without getting out of bed
  • Use night lights
  • On the night table, keep a flashlight, a charged cell phone and a list of emergency phone numbers in large print

Contact Us

At Med Mart, customer safety is always a high priority so it’s important that you’re using products that are best suited to your needs. Before purchasing any of the products described above, consult with a Med Mart sales representative by calling 888-260-4430. We also encourage you to browse through our website (medmartonline.com). On-line chat is also available. If the installation is required, we will refer you to a qualified contractor.  At Med Mart, we have extensive experience and a wide selection of products, enabling us to offer the best possible solutions.