Scooter Accessories

  1. Accessory Hitch Pin for Pride Mobility Units
    Accessory Hitch Pin for Pride Mobility Units
    • Holds the rear basket to the frame on most Jazzy, Jet, and Pride scooters and power chair
    • Pin is also used with Pride and Jazzy cane, crutch, and oxygen cylinder holders.
  2. Standard saddle
    Standard saddle
    • Single pocket bag that mounts to any armrest.
    • Straps around your scooter or wheelchair armrest to provide a handy storage area for keys, wallet, cell phone, glasses, etc.
    • Can be mounted to the inside or outside of armrest.
  3. Unbreakable Cup Holder - Side
    Unbreakable Cup Holder - Side
    • Fits drink containers ranging from 1″ circumference all the way to a 32oz. Gatoradeâ„¢ bottle.
    • Cord with lock ensures drink will remain secure and upright.
    • Works great as a storage pouch for phone, keys, etc.
  4. Universal Mobility Side Bag
    Universal Mobility Side Bag
    • Includes two storage bins, bracket, & a new seat base plate
    • Holds up to 10 lbs. of your stuff
    • Baskets are fine, but sometimes you need additional storage space as you take your scooter out and around
  5. TwistLit LED Safety Light
    TwistLit LED Safety Light
    • A one-size-fits-all way to be seen and safe, from dusk 'till dawn!
    • Curved back that rests snugly against the round surfaces on your scooter or power chair
    • Bright, long-lasting, battery-powered LED is activated with a simple push of a button
  6. Diestco Wheelchair Safety Flag
    Mobility Safety Flag
    • Increase your visibility while enjoying your independence
    • Easily mounts to any scooter, manual wheelchair, or powerchair
    • Folds down below the individual’s head or can be removed completely when not in use
  7. Moving Life Mobile Holder - Main Image
    Mobile Holder
    • Flexible material grips any mobile phone
    • Single installation, no need to remove when ATTO is folded
    • Works seamlessly with other ATTO Accessories
  8. Diestco Unbreakable Cup Holder
    Unbreakable Cup Holder - Side
    • This universal beverage holder securely attaches to the side of horizontal tubing
    • The adjustable strap mounts the holder securely on horizontal tubing on a walker, wheelchair, or scooter.
    • The drink container is secured in place with a locking cord.

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