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Batteries are essential to the operation of your scooter or power wheelchair. Batteries provide your mobility vehicle with the power it needs to operate, and having quality batteries in your wheelchair or scooter can help to maximize the vehicle's dependability and quality.

Batteries are available in a range of different strengths, and the particular battery required will depend on the model of wheelchair or scooter that you own.

Many power wheelchairs and scooters come equipped with a battery when you initially purchase them. However, if you're looking to travel long distances, you may choose to upgrade your battery. Upgrading your battery gives your vehicle more power, allowing you to travel farther before needing to recharge the battery. This may be a particularly important quality if you use your mobility vehicle for running errands or when you travel.

Over time, you may notice that the batteries which came with your mobility vehicle seem to require charging more and more often. Batteries do wear out, and if you've had your current batteries for a few years, it may be time to replace them. With regular use, rechargeable batteries do not hold their charge for as long, and that shortened time frame will continue to reduce with time and use.

You will see that the batteries here come in pairs, allowing you to charge one battery while powering your mobility vehicle with the other. This helps to cut down on downtime, keeping you on the move.

The prices of batteries cover a wide range. In general, the greater the battery's Amp Hours, the more the battery will cost. When buying a battery, it's important to consider how valuable the Amp Hours are to your use of your mobility vehicle. If you travel frequently and don't often have time to recharge your battery, then opting for a battery with significant Amp Hours may be a wise move.