For those struggling with poor mobility, lift chairs can offer valuable support in everyday life. While they may look like everyday recliners, lift chairs contain powerful motors to gently guide users to a standing position. This can be an invaluable tool to those struggling with arthritis, recovering from surgery, or anyone needing an extra helping hand.
Once you’ve made the decision to purchase a lift chair, your next question may be “which chair best suits my needs?”. Not only do lift chairs come in a variety of materials, colors, and brands, but different position options as well.
Today’s lift chairs come in a wide range of positions and motor functionality depending on your needs. Adjustable footrest positioning or a flexible recline mechanism can make all the difference in your daily comfort.
In this blog post, we’ll explain the differences between 2-position, 3-position, and infinite-position lift chairs so that you can make an informed purchasing decision.
When most people think of a recliner, a 2-position chair comes to mind. A 2-position lift chair raises the footrest while offering a few inches of back recline, making it more comfortable to rest or watch TV. These chairs can be affordable, still offer the mobility support of a lift chair, and are ideal if you need only a small recline.
Most 2-position lift chairs have a gap between the ottoman and seat, and a single motor that controls everything. All our lift chairs are electrically powered, meaning there’s no need to fumble with a manual lever to comfortably recline.
2-position chairs are great for relaxing after a long day, watching TV, reading, or conversing with family and friends.
If you’re looking for more versatility, a 3-position recline chair leans back further than typical recliners. While it does not move into a fully horizontal position, the back of the chair moves into a deep incline comfortable for relaxation and sleeping. A hand control stops the recliner at any position along the way, making it easy to find your ideal position.
3-position lift chairs typically come equipped with a single motor, meaning that the back and footrest cannot be adjusted independently. Most have no gap between the ottoman and the seat, making for a more comfortable seat.
For the full versatility of 3-position lift chairs at an affordable price, we recommend our best-selling Heritage 358 Lift Recliner.
If you or a loved one spend a significant amount of time in a lift chair, it may be time to consider ugrading your comfort with an infinite-position chair.
These highly-flexible lift chairs come equipped with a dual motor system that allows the back and footrest to operate independently. With the push of a button, users can lift their legs without reclining, or move the backrest only. These chairs are typically padded all the way down, with no gaps between the back and footrest.
Infinite position chairs come with a much greater range of positions than 2 or 3 position chairs. Bring the back rest completelly parallel to the floor for a comfortable sleep, raise the footrest above your body to promote circulation, or enjoy zero-gravity mode. Users can adjust the seat and footrest to their specific needs, then program those positions to the hand-held controller.
If you’re looking for a single chair to accommodate all your needs now and in the future, look toward an infinite-position chair. While you or a loved one may only require a slight recline now, in the future they may wish to sleep in their chair or use different positioning to aid injury recovery. With additional add-ons like massage and heat, they may never want to leave the chair!
If you’re considering an infinite position lift chair, take a look at the Cloud MaxiComfort Power Lift Recliner. This chair includes endless opportunities for comfortable positions, wrapped in a very forgiving flex foam. The patented scissor-box mechanism raises and tilts the entire seat to customize to your body precisely, alleviating back or knee pain.
If you or a loved one needs a bit of extra assistance raising from or lowering to a deep seated position, a lift chair can make all the difference. Browse MedMart’s collection of lift chairs, or talk to a product specialist today to choose the perfect chair to accommodate your needs.