Post-Purchase Care: How to Maintain and Clean Your Wheelchair Ramp

Invested in a ramp? Here is a guide on how to prolong the life of a ramp.

For individuals and loved ones with limited mobility, wheelchair ramps are critical tools to access the world around them. Whether installed in a home setting, or public building, or folded and taken on trips, a wheelchair ramp can provide safety and increased independence for many. 

Like any other piece of equipment, it’s important to consider periodic maintenance for your wheelchair ramp. This makes sure it remains safe and functional, as well as can significantly prolong its product lifespan. 

In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about maintaining your wheelchair ramp– cleaning, proper maintenance, and storage– all to keep it in pristine condition for years to come. 


resi rampresi ramp

Understanding Your Wheelchair Ramp

Types of Wheelchair Ramps

Wheelchair ramps are constructed from various materials, each with its own unique properties. For example: an aluminum wheelchair ramp is lightweight, while wooden ramps are sturdier and offer a natural aesthetic (and more maintenance overall). If you’re looking for a portable ramp, you might consider a rubber ramp. While there are some commonalities across the board, the lifecycle and maintenance requirements of ramps do vary according to your model and ramp material.


Common Usage and Wear Patterns

Where is your ramp most commonly stationed? Constant exposure to sunlight, rain, snow, and other weather conditions may cause wear and tear on your ramp surface. Increased traffic over time (for example, if your ramp is installed at the entrance to a busy store) can damage the ramp’s joints and edges. 


Cleaning Your Wheelchair Ramp

Once or twice a month, take the time to keep your ramp clean. Start by simply sweeping off any loose debris with a broom or dustpan, then use mild soapy water and a soft bristled brush to scrub away dirt, grime, and stains from the ramp's surface. 

For particularly tough stains (think grease, oil, pet urine, or a wood stain), use a specialized cleaning solution or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. If you notice a rust build-up on metal ramps, you can remove these deposits by using a wire brush before cleaning the area. 

If you live in an area that frequently experiences snow and harsh winter weather, you may periodically need to scrape ice and shovel snow off of your ramp to prevent build-up and ensure safe access for those who use it.


ramps with leavesramps with leaves
shvel snow rampshvel snow ramp

Wheelchair Ramp Maintenance

Regular maintenance and early intervention are key to preserving your ramp’s life. Every month or so, take a few minutes to inspect the ramp’s surface, edges, and joints for signs of wear and tear. These can include cracks, dents, rust deposits, loose bolts, etc. If you notice these signs, do what you can to fix the ramp or enlist the help of someone who can. 

seasonal maintainenceseasonal maintainence

Storing Your Wheelchair Ramp

For short-term storage (days or weeks), keep your ramp in a dry, accessible area to prevent damage and avoid tripping hazards. 

If you’re looking to store your wheelchair ramp for a longer term, you may disassemble the ramp, breaking it apart into smaller pieces. Wrap each piece, label pieces, and store them in a clean, dry, location. Your wheelchair will remain in great condition for years, ready to be re-installed whenever needed. 


For many, a wheelchair ramp in a home or public setting can be a bridge to a more accessible, fulfilling lifestyle. Regular wheelchair ramp maintenance can extend this bridge even further, keeping your ramp like-new and secure for decades for decades to come.

Feel free to browse our collection of best-selling wheelchair ramps or get in touch with a product expert to help find the best ramp for your needs. 

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